Sveiki,susiduriau su problema paleisti altdvb per windows 10,gal kas galet padeti?Neleidzia uzregistruoti #Register_Filters.bat Aciu
Citata iš: Remyga Įrašytas 2015-11-29 14:30:45
Sveiki,susiduriau su problema paleisti altdvb per windows 10,gal kas galet padeti?Neleidzia uzregistruoti #Register_Filters.bat Aciu ( (
Aciu :)
Tai yra gi ProgDVB ir kur kas funkcionalesnė:
Citata iš: Soliaris Įrašytas 2015-12-03 11:17:24
Tai yra gi ProgDVB ir kur kas funkcionalesnė:
ProgDVB - the universal and very power software for watching digital TV and listening to radio channels! ProgDVB allows you to watch SAT-Television and listen to Radio channels directly from satellite by using DVB-PCI cards with hardware decoders on the board, SAT-dish, and personal computers with Microsoft Windows installed. It has options for working with network broadcasting and Audio/Video recording of the stream to different digital-media formats.
ProgDVB7.rar (
Citata iš: Soliaris Įrašytas 2015-12-03 11:17:24
Tai yra gi ProgDVB ir kur kas funkcionalesnė:
O kuo ji pranašesnė?